WVU Potomac State College Inclement Weather Policy
Outlined for Students, Faculty, Staff
As winter approaches, the campus community is reminded how the College responds when harsh weather occurs.
Should conditions occur making travel potentially dangerous, both students and employees are reminded to use their own good judgment before venturing out.
Any decision to convert classes to online, delay/cancel classes or close the College will be made after administrators have consulted on the condition of campus roads and grounds as well as conditions in the vicinity.
A declaration of a weather emergency by the governor does not automatically close WVU campuses and offices.
Students should inform and work with their instructors and supervisors regarding expected absences due to inclement weather.
Faculty should also make every effort to notify students in advance if they need to cancel class.
Faculty and students who are working in patient care areas or in clinical rotations should check with their program director or clinic manager.
In the event inclement weather affects classes or the daily operation of the College, many departments will remain operational, including dining and residence hall services, roads and grounds crews, and others. These departments are reminded to review their emergency internal operating procedures.
Unless the College is closed, employees who need to be on campus will need to work with their supervisors to take annual leave or flex their schedule within the work week.
If administrators decide to convert classes to online, delay/cancel classes or close the College, students and employees will be informed through the following outlets:
Potomac State College Alert (see NOTE)
Potomac State College FaceBook Account
- PSC-Everybody e-mail (all employees)
- MIX e-mail (students)
- Traditional media
NOTE: The Potomac State College Alert is a notification system that helps inform the College community about emergencies and incidents on or near campus. Email and text messages are utilized to disseminate important information quickly and efficiently.
Current students
are automatically subscribed to receive Potomac State College Alerts. Contact information can be
updated on the Potomac State College Student Login site.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to register with the Potomac State College Alert system by visiting
the Potomac State College Alert Login and clicking on the “SIGN UP” link
near the top right corner of the page.